
InOrder 1.2.3... - Game for iPhone and iPad available on App Store

InOrder 1.2.3...

Operation system: IOS - iPhone or iPad

Language: English

In App Purchase: No


Gameplay:Are You a genius? Put numbers IN ORDER in a square/puzzle to show!

Choose between different levels and how many numbers you would like to put IN ORDER. First two levels are easy to solve, then starts the trouble. You have to be able to find the moving patterns between rows and columns when you only have a few nubers OUT OF ORDER.

Touch rows or columns with you finger and swipe to move numbersto the left/right/up/down.  Move all numbers so they are IN ORDER from 1 in upper left corner to the higest number in the bottom tight corner to solve level.

See review of the game here:

Bee vs Fly - Game for iPhone and iPad available on App Store

Bee vs Fly

Operation system: IOS - iPhone or iPad

Language: English

In App Purchase: No


Gameplay: Fly from side to side sliding your finger on the screen. Cacth all the flowers and avoid crashing into the flies.

Availible in 2 versions  - as free game with ads or as paid game without ads.

Fly-the-Fly - Free game for iPhone and iPad available on App Store


Operation system: IOS - iPhone or iPad

Language: English

In App Purchase: Yes


Gameplay: Fly and land on the food until you can fly away in the top of the screen.(Use joystick right side below)

Do not touch anything other than the food (Then the fly swatter hits your fly). Do not land to hard.(You will not be able to land on the food)

Remember to put down the legs before landing (button left side below) - you can not fly to the sides with the legs down.(button left side below puts legs up again)

You earn the stars from how fast you complete a day.

You starts with 8 lives and when they are used you have to wait some minuts to get new lives or you can watch ads to get 3 new lives.

You can purchase 100 lives in the in app purchase if you would like to play without waiting.

You can also purchase so you not have to do more than complete the 7 days to unlock next week and you would also get unlimited lives and remove all ads.

Fly vs Spider - Free game for iPhone and iPad available on App Store

Fly vs Spider

Operation system: IOS - iPhone or iPad

Language: English

In App Purchase: Yes


Gameplay: Fly the  fly through the hole in the spiderweb. Speed of the spiderweb increases during the game. You can post highscores on facebook.

You can purchase 100 lives in the in app purchase if you would like to play without waiting.

Plese see the article from GamesKeys "Hidden Gems: Top Action Games To PLay On IOS."

1QQ - 100 Questions Quiz, Free game for iPhone and iPad available on App Store

100 Questoins Quiz

Operation system: IOS - iPhone or iPad

Language: English, Dansk, Español/Castellano, Deutsch, Francais, Italiano.

In App Purchase: No


Gameplay: It is a quiz with 100 questions in each categori. Choose your answer out of 4 possible answers. See how many points you can get and share it on Facebook.You can choose to take 25 questions or 100 questions.

Quiz covers typical sport events.

Tour de France


Champions League

Vuelta España

Orica-Scott Backstage Pass

80s Music

90s Music

Christmas Music

Mental arithmetic

Below this is in English......

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Det er vigtigt at efterleve EU’s persondataforordning, så alle INFOMATIK samarbejdspartnere roligt kan oplyse deres persondata, med visheden om at INFOMATIK efterlever, at personoplysninger bliver behandlet lovligt, sikkert, fortroligt og med ansvarlighed. I det følgende kan du læse vores politik for behandling af dine personoplysninger:

Indsamling af dine personoplysninger

Vi indsamler dine personoplysninger, i forbindelse med indgåelse eller i forbindelse med undersøgelse om der kan indgås et samarbejde.

Hvornår sker indsamlingen

I forbindelse med at du kontakter INFOMATIK per mail eller telefon eller INFOMATIK kontakter dig på baggrund af informationer på dit firmas hjemmeside eller dit firmas annoncer

Hvilke oplysninger indsamles

De personoplysninger, som INFOMATIK indsamler, kan for eksempel omfatte dit navn/firmanavn, din e-mailadresse, din firmaadresse, din stillingsbetegnelse og telefonnummer.

Til hvilke formål indsamles oplysningerne

INFOMATIK indsamler dine personoplysninger for at kunne udfærdige en samhandelsaftale eller for at indgå dialog om fremtidige muligheder for samhandel.

INFOMATIKs videregivelse af dine personoplysninger

Dine personoplysninger vil ikke uden indhentelse af dit samtykke, blive gjort til genstand for anden ekstern videregivelse, medmindre der er hjemmel hertil i lov.

Apps på App Store

I de gratis Apps som INFOMATIK markedsfører på App Store indsamles ikke personoplysninger, dog bruges en 'enheds identifikator' til at vise reklamer via Google Admob. Vi beder også om dit samtykke i disse apps. Du kan altid slette disse apps, hvis du vil tække dit samtykke tilbage. Du kan læse mere om dette her.

INFOMATIK overfører ikke dine personoplysninger til tredje lande eller internationale organisationer.

INFOMATIK hverken benytter eller videregiver dine personoplysninger til markedsføringsmæssige formål, herunder til udsendelse af e-mails med reklameindhold, medmindre du har anmodet herom og accepteret dette.

INFOMATIK kan endvidere videregive dine personoplysninger til offentlige myndigheder eller andre i det omfang dette følger af gældende lovgivning, eller INFOMATIK bliver pålagt videregivelse af en kompetent domstol.

Behandling hos tredjepart

INFOMATIK kan vælge at benytte databehandlere, herunder udbydere af software, sociale og professionelle medier, backup, sikkerhed og opbevaring. Dine personoplysninger vil derfor blive overladt til tredjeparter, instrueret af INFOMATIK til at behandle dine personoplysninger på INFOMATIK’s vegne. Databehandlere behandler kun dine personoplysninger til de specifikke formål, som oplysningerne er indsamlet til.

INFOMATIK forpligter disse databehandlere til at behandle dine personoplysninger fortroligt, og til at træffe de fornødne tekniske og organisatoriske sikkerhedsforanstaltninger mod at oplysninger hændeligt eller ulovligt tilintetgøres, fortabes eller forringes, eller kommer til uvedkommendes kendskab, misbruges eller i øvrigt behandles i strid med persondataforordningen.

Lagring af Personoplysninger

INFOMATIK opbevarer kun dine personoplysninger, så længe dette er nødvendigt til opfyldelse af de formål, til hvilke dine personoplysninger er indsamlet.

Beskyttelse af dine personoplysninger

INFOMATIK bestræber sig på bedst muligt at beskytte dine personoplysninger og INFOMATIK har implementeret sikkerhedsforanstaltninger med henblik herpå. Vi behandler dine oplysninger med fortrolighed.

Din ret til indsigt i hvilke oplysninger INFOMATIK behandler

Du har ret til at få indsigt i hvilke personoplysninger, som INFOMATIK behandler om dig. Du har endvidere ret til at gøre indsigelse mod indsamlingen og mod den videre behandling af dine personlige oplysninger.

Berigtigelse eller sletning af dine personoplysninger

Hvis du ønsker, at INFOMATIK berigtiger eller sletter personoplysninger, som INFOMATIK har indsamlet om dig, eller ikke ønsker at modtage flere meddelelser fra os, kan du rette henvendelse til os på nedenstående kontaktoplysninger.

Ligeledes har du ret til at få overført de oplysninger INFOMATIK har behandlet til en anden dataansvarlig efter din instruks.

Såfremt opbevaringspligt gør sig gældende i forhold til anden lovgivning, slettes disse data først, når opbevaringspligten er udløbet.


Veddelev Bygade 2

4000 Roskilde

telefon + 45 50 542 777

CVR 35635203


---------------------------------------------------In english --------------------------------------------------

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By changing the settings in your browser, you can reject cookies on your computer. How to change the settings in your browser depends on which browser you are using. If you choose to set your browser so that you do not receive cookies, be aware that you may miss features and the like on the website, which in that case will not work.

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If you have previously accepted cookies, these can also be deleted. You also do that in the settings of your web browser.

Privacy Policy

It is important to comply with the EU Personal Data Regulation so that all INFOMATIK partners can calmly disclose their personal data, with the knowledge that INFOMATIK complies with personal data being processed legally, confidentially, confidently and with responsibility. In the following, please read our privacy policy.

Collection of your personal information

We collect your personal information, in connection with the conclusion or in connection with an investigation, if a cooperation can be concluded.

When is the collection

When you contact INFOMATIK by mail or telephone or INFOMATIK, you will contact you based on information on your company's website or your company's ads

What information is collected

For example, the personal information collected by INFOMATIK may include your name / company name, e-mail address, company address, job title, and phone number.

For what purposes is the information collected

INFOMATIK collects your personal information in order to conclude a trade agreement or to enter into dialogue on future opportunities for trade.

INFOMATIK's disclosure of your personal information

Your personal information will not be subject to any other external disclosure without the consent of your consent, unless authorized by law.

Apps on the App Store

The free apps that INFOMATIK markets on the App Store does not collect personal information, however, an 'entity identifier' is used to display ads through Google Admob. We also ask for your consent in these apps. You can always delete these apps if you want to retrieve your consent. You can read more about this here.

INFOMATIK does not transfer your personal information to third countries or international organizations.

INFOMATIK does not use or disclose your personal information for marketing purposes, including for sending e-mails with advertising content, unless you have requested and accepted this.

INFOMATIK may also disclose your personal information to public authorities or others to the extent that this is in accordance with applicable law, or INFOMATIK will be required to pass a competent court.

Third party treatment

INFOMATIK may choose to use data servers, including software, social and professional media, backup, security and storage. Your personal information will therefore be left to third parties, directed by INFOMATIK to process your personal information on behalf of INFOMATIK. Data Processors only handle your personal information for the specific purposes for which the information is collected.

INFOMATIK commits these data servers to confidentially process your personal information and to take the necessary technical and organizational precautions that information is accidentally or illegally destroyed, lost or impaired, or comes to the knowledge of any person, misused or otherwise treated in violation of the Personal Data Regulation.

Storing Personal Information

INFOMATIK only stores your personal information as long as this is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which your personal information has been collected.

Protection of your personal information

INFOMATIK strives to protect your personal data as best as possible and INFOMATIK has implemented security measures for this purpose. We treat your information with confidentiality.

Your right to insight into what information INFOMATIK deals with

You are entitled to understand what personal information INFOMATIK is processing about you. You also have the right to object to the collection and to the further processing of your personal information.

Correction or deletion of your personal information

If you wish that INFOMATIK corrects or deletes personal information that INFOMATIK has collected about you or do not wish to receive more messages from us, please contact us at the following contact information.

Likewise, you have the right to transfer the information INFOMATIK has processed to another data controller according to your instructions.

If storage obligations are in relation to other legislation, this data will not be deleted until the storage obligation has expired.


Veddelev Bygade 2

4000 Roskilde

telefon + 45 50 542 777

CVR 35635203
